Watch: Shannon Maness Candidate Interview with Southwestern Montana News 

Issues + Platforms


The big issue with public education is the issue of “indoctrination vs education,” and I believe schools should only be in the business of education.

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Family Values

I believe that life begins at conception and that this new life should be protected just like any other life.

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As your representative, I will always support our second amendment right to keep and bear arms, and fight against infringement of that right.

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Health Care

While many people are trying to create a federal healthcare system to cover everyone, I will work to make sure that doesn’t happen.

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As your representative, I will always be a strong voice for ag in Montana… With what seems like a war on food producers coming from the federal government, we must be vigilant to protect producers from ever increasing regulation.

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As a lifelong conservative with a minor in agricultural economics, I believe we must manage the state’s people’s purse as if it sits in own households.

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Unwaveringly protecting property rights for Montana citizens will be a paramount priority for me as your House District 70 representative at the State Capital.

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A Message from Republican Candidate Shannon Maness

To the Citizens of Montana House District 70

Thank you for visiting my campaign website!

In these pages, I aim to demonstrate how my conservative convictions will inform the way I will represent you in the Montana House of Representatives. My campaign team has worked hard to build a website based on openness and transparency—one to take you, the voter, beyond mere slogans or soundbites, to a website where you can discover not only the “What” but my “Why” and my “How” regarding various issues. Do this by clicking on “Issues” above. (We will be adding more essays about issues in the ensuing days, so check back often.)

Your voice matters!

This is what a representative democratic republic is all about! I invite and encourage your comments, calls, texts and emails. Even better, find out where you can catch up with me in person. I look forward to hearing from you.

A friendly reminder…

In 2024, the Montana House District 70 Republican ballot IS the ballot for the election of your next state house representative, so your vote in the primary is absolutely essential! I will appreciate your vote before or on June 4, 2024!

With Gratitude and in Service to You,

Shannon Maness

On June 4, 2024, Elect Shannon Maness
for Montana House District 70